I have been working with children and their families for over 25 years, to support the development of not only a child’s communicative ability but also enhancing both self-esteem and academic success throughout the therapeutic process.
My life’s work has been devoted to identifying not only speech, language, or auditory weakness, but also strengths in each child as well. I create an enjoyable, individualized treatment plan to maximize each child’s potential. I have had great success in remediating all pediatric communicative and learning disorders, thereby elevating not only a child's speech and language skills, but equally as important, his/her self-confidence.
I work directly with parents, educators, and medical specialists so that all significant people in the child’s life both understand the therapeutic goals and are engaged in the process.
Randi Jacoby, M.S.C.C.C.
“ One of the top therapists in her field.”
- A Parent's Guide to Special Education in New York City
Services Offered for Toddlers, Children, and Adolescents both in person and via Teletherapy:
Evaluation and Written Report
Treatment in Speech and Language Therapy
Parental Counseling in Speech and Language Development Techniques
School Consultations