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Speech Therapy for children
Speech and language therapy for children


Vanessa K., parent

"Randi is fantastic! We met Randi when my son was not yet two. She worked closely with us to diagnose his auditory processing issues. My daughter also worked with Randi on her expressive language and writing issues. Randi is extremely knowledgeable, professional, committed and excellent at what she does. She is patient and encouraging, provides lots of positive feedback, and knows how to motivate and support every child. Furthermore, Randi works closely with parents on how best to support their children." 

Adam G., parent

"Two of our children were diagnosed with Expressive Language Disorder at a very young age.  Very soon after beginning treatment, both children showed marked improvement in their speech and also their confidence in communicating their thoughts.  Randi is accommodating and unflappable with her patients, and she dedicates herself to understanding each child’s interests and designing session plans accordingly so as to maximize engagement.  Randi gives us regular feedback on our children’s triumphs and struggles and suggests specific techniques we can implement to encourage their progress."  

Cavan T., age 10

Randi is the best! When I was 9, I still could not say my “R” and “ER” sounds correctly. In only a few months, Randi taught me to say those sounds properly. She made working with her so much fun! We sang my favorite music and rocked with YouTube. We had fun together on Zoom and in her office! Now, when I have to speak in front of my class, I feel proud of the way I sound.

Catherine C., parent

Randi has made remarkable improvements with my 5-year-old son on his articulation skills, as well as developing his auditory memory and discrimination ability. My son loved Randi right from the start! He
was laughing with her right in the first session. Our pediatrician highly recommended Randi and said that she works to each child’s strengths and special way of learning, which is exactly what she did. Not only is Randi incredibly knowledgeable and experienced in all areas of child development, she is also an excellent speech therapist who guided us each week in the therapeutic process so that we could reinforce her work at home. Randi offered our son and our family the very personal care and attention that we required.

Eric Messinger -   Founding Editor, New York Family Magazine

“Randi Jacoby is a Speech Pathologist of the highest caliber. Not only is she adept at diagnosing and treating developmental disorders and delays, but her ability to guide children to a better emotional place – to feel more confident and joyful – is uncanny. Warm,  wise, and very devoted to her clients, she’s truly an asset to the whole family, helping parents better understand and raise their children.”

Sally Tannen - Parenting Center Director 92 Street Y

We have always been incredibly lucky to have Randi as an expert resource for parents and faculty. Randi is extremely knowledgeable, sharing her expertise at the 92Y Parenting Center and Nursery School. She
was always very reassuring about the pace of development and gave parents lots of practical and fun activities to do at home. For over 20 years, Randi has led workshops for educators, lectured to parents, and spoken on our podcast series. She was equally involved in classroom observations and supported our staff in ways to enhance a child’s development within the classroom. Randi has always received strong praise from parents for her work and lectures.




1623 Third Ave, Suite 202

New York, NY 10128


Tel: 917 318 2295

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I provide in-person and virtual sessions. Please contact me to set up an appointment that's right for you.

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